Metta for the Coronavirus Outbreak

Right now is a scary time for everyone, and an opportunity for each of us to recognize how all our actions affect each other. This meditation practice is to help you connect with your wisdom and compassion, for yourself, for healthcare workers, and for the entire world. ⁣

An epidemic requires all of us to not just think personally, but to think about all citizens. Our healthcare system cannot handle many people getting sick at once because we just don't have enough beds or staff. So take precautions even if you're unlikely to get Covid-19, because if you keep yourself healthy, you'll put less strain on our healthcare system so others who need help can get it, and you won't spread the virus to at-risk populations either. ⁣

Tayata Om Bhekandzye Bhekandzye Maha Bhekandzye Radza Samudgate Soha🙏🏾⁣