Follow the Sun

Throughout the day, sunflowers turn to face the sun. As heliotropes, they care for themselves by optimizing their most important resource—light. As we struggle through this ongoing time of crisis, don’t be afraid to optimize all of your important resources. Reach out to your support system of friends and family, and go for a walk, play a board game or catch up on the phone. Find refuge in your own good company by reading a book or baking bread, and taking time for quiet meditation and rest. 

The next time you find yourself struggling, try this practice. Lie down on the floor or your bed. Close your eyes and place a hand on your belly. Count five inhales and exhales while feeling the rise and fall of your abdomen. Then say this phrase silently to yourself, “May I know I am enough. May I know what I need and what I don’t need. May I be at peace. After a few minutes, think of someone else who you is struggling, and offer the same blessing, “May you know you are enough. May you know you what you need and what you don’t need. May you be at peace.”