It's Okay to Take a Break

Last week, I was feeling a little tired, and at first I felt mad at myself that I wasn’t doing as much as I thought I should be doing. And then I remembered—it’s okay to take a break! So I hope you’ll remember to do the same when you’re feeling weary, and if you feel guilty or annoyed with yourself, put your hand on your heart and take a few breaths. And then you can try the following resting practice. 

Lie down or sit in a quiet and comfortable spot. Don’t move around. Bring your attention to the rise and fall of your belly as you inhale and exhale. Resist the urge to get up. Keep your attention on your breathing, gently feeling your abdomen rise and fall. If you start planning or remembering and your attention leaves your breath, just notice it and come back. After a few minutes, you can think of a friend who is stressed out and say, “May you open your heart to yourself.” After a few minutes more, put your hand on your heart and gently say, “May I open my heart to myself.” Finally, you can include all of us in the world who are struggling and say, “May we all—everyone—open our hearts to ourselves.”