Offer Your Wisdom to the World

When I first started learning Buddhism, I was surprised to find that the most sincere and masterful teachers wanted nothing from me or any student. They didn't want loyalty or money or for me to be part of a political party or join anything—they only asked that I develop my mind and my heart. It didn't really seem like enough and sometimes even felt selfish, but after years of practice I truly know that the most powerful tool humans can offer ourselves and each other is a steady, clear, and compassionate mind. 

This has been obvious through the pandemic. Medical people and leaders who are not in denial or in a panic are contributing to the welfare of everyone. Those who are vaccinated and staying home when they’re sick, are wisely contributing to all of our wellbeing.

I’ve been practicing more frequently for shorter periods of time because I find I need to take a break (from news, social media, and my wild mind) more often. If you need a break (and I suspect you might), set a time for ten minutes, sit in a quiet and comfortable spot, put your hand on your heart and repeat silently, “May I open my heart to what’s happening.”/”May you open your heart to what’s happening.”/”May we/everyone open our hearts to what’s happening.”  Repeat as necessary.